• Food: Friend or Frenemy?

    Food: Friend or Frenemy? Part 1

    Confession: I Recovered from my eating disorder without ever really examining my relationship with food. I recognize how strange that sounds. However, most of my recovery focused on examining and processing the thoughts and feelings…

  • Book Club

    Year of YES!

    I am really excited about my 2016 New Year’s Resolution. After thirty-plus years of trying different versions of the same resolution (to lose weight), I have given up on body focused resolutions. This year I…

  • Body Image


    I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have a negative body image. The crippling doubt, loneliness, shame and depression that accompanied my self-hatred started long before eating disordered thoughts and behaviors showed up and remained after the eating…

  • Recovery language and tools

    Recovered Isn’t A Fairytale

    Affirmations are important. Another tool in my anxiety management toolbox. Little mental reminders that reinforce who I am and what is important. As I progress through recovery my affirmations evolve. While it may not seem like one, reminding…

  • You deserve a full recovery

    A Dialogue

    Continuing with the car analogy I used in last Wednesday’s post, we find Healthy Ali driving on the road to Recovered and Eating Disorder Ali tucked away in the trunk (I’m picturing a white sedan with tan…