You deserve a full recovery

Hello Again!

It’s been almost two years since I shared via this blog. I am excited and a bit anxious. Over the past two years, I became a certified eating disorder recovery coach through The Carolyn Costin Institute, took on the role of Education Coordinator with the Missouri Eating Disorders Association, and started working on a book about my eating disorder recovery.


As Covid hit and life slowed down, my bubble became smaller and smaller. Soon both boys were schooling at home and despite having less to do outside the home, I began to feel more and more overwhelmed. Through recovery I learned those feelings are telling me something and rather than ignore them or try to “control” them, I had the privilege of being able to listen and act upon what I needed.


I limited my recovery coaching and resigned my position as Education Coordinator. In truth, I was already transitioning out of the Education Coordinator position when the pandemic hit. The role of Education Coordinator was challenging and rewarding, but it was time to let someone else move into the role. It was the right move at the right time. I spent as much time as I could working on my recovery memoir. But with the boys home all day I was under the constant threat of interruption, which wasn’t conducive to writing. So I put the book on the back burner.


Facilitating the boys’ education and taking care of their physical and emotional needs during the pandemic occupied much of my time. I made time for daily physical activity, journaling, connecting with friends and loads and loads of self-care. During the pandemic, most of my self-care took the form of copious amounts of Netflix and Amazon Prime. I also went through a baking phase, an organize everything in my house phase, a gardening phase and a puzzling phase.


By mid April 2021 both boys were finally back to school in person. For the first time in over a year, I had time without the threat of interruption. So I picked up my recovery memoir and started working…



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