Revealing My Road to Recovered

Spinning My Wheels and Going Nowhere

Trigger Warning: Diet talk.


January 2015 started out like every other year. I was tired. Tired of hating myself and what I looked like. Tired of feeling like a lazy mom, a lazy wife, a lazy friend and all round lazy person. I was tired of feeling like I wasn’t worthy of connection and belonging. I was tired of feeling uninspired and constantly searching for distraction. I was tired of feeling afraid. Afraid to risk, to fail, to be judged, to be laughed at, afraid to even try. Most of all, I was tired of feeling like a spectator in my own life.  


On January 1, 2015, I made two resolutions: Lose weight and write every day. Just like every year for the last three decades (and many times in between), I wanted to change. I believed change only mattered if it could be seen and measured, so I came up with a multi-faceted plan to lose weight. Despite decades of dieting fails, I convinced myself this time it would work. And once I finally lost the weight all my negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors would end, and my life would be fixed. I would be happy.


For the first time in thirty-nine years, I also made a resolution that had nothing to do with losing weight. To write everyday. I’d always thought I had to lose weight to become the woman I wanted to be, it never occurred to me that writing could help me transform into the woman I wanted to be.


I always loved writing but never thought I was good enough to do it. I had so many thoughts and ideas, but never the confidence to write them down. The idea of confronting the woman inside my head left me paralyzed with fear. Despite my fear, I started writing…

January 5, 2015

I don’t know what to write today so I am going to spend several minutes just writing whatever.  I am not going to worry about punctuation or spelling.  I am just going to write, write, write.


Oh, Fiona Apple just came on.  Criminal.  Good song.  Makes me want to sway and sing in a deep voice.

What do I want to write today?  I have a shell of an outline of how I want my film to start but I need to start focusing on the emotional arcs of the characters.


I like the idea of the main character being in a mommy rut.  Then following her dream to collaborate and make a movie with great people. To realize that what she had was pretty spectacular.


Themes I’d like to explore:  Coming of age story for the almost forty sect.  You have what you’ve worked your twenties for:  career, husband, kids, house.  What now?  Are you living your best self?  Are you doing what you love to do?  Do you feel like you continue to grow and find new things that excite you? 

How do adults continue to grow together?  It is so easy to stay the same and be distracted by young children.  But we all still have dreams.  Dreams we are often afraid to say out loud for fear of ridicule and embarrassment.  How do we pursue those and venture to live our best selves?  Or are we better off staying where we are because it is safe and non-threatening?

One of the things I liked about acting was the regular feelings check.  Acting involves quite a bit of introspection.  I don’t do that much anymore.  It’s not that I’m apathetic, rather it just seems like an exhausting process to evaluate how I’m feeling about any given situation.  It is kind of like sex.  Prior to sex, the thought of doing it is exhausting because I know I have to get my mind into it.  But then when we do it, I enjoy it and am glad we did it.  But it is a whole process.  Not just a physical one (like it is for guys), us ladies have to get our head in the game as well.  And sometimes I’m just lazy and don’t want to deal with turning the sexy on.

January 6, 2015

Despite the setback on the scale at the gym this morning, I am feeling good today.  I had a great work out and got my [number redacted] steps before noon. I am feeling positive.  On a scale of one to Leslie Knope, I’m going full-Knope today.

When I was younger, I often wished I could be someone else.  Thinner, more talented, more popular.  Life just seemed easier for thin, talented and popular people.  I thought if I was one of them life would be easier.  I’d be thin, happy and feel great every day.  I find I do that less as an adult.  Oh, I still struggle with jealousy at times but at the end of the day I like being me because I get to be Wyatt and Harrison’s Mommy. 

I am having some focus issues and keep thinking of the myriad of things I must do: 


  • Sign up for the 12-week challenge at the gym
  • Budget
  • Cook up some grilled chicken. 

I like the way I felt after my workout today.  I felt discouraged and frustrated prior to the workout because I got on the scale.  But the fact is, I have eaten a ton of crap over the last couple weeks.  When we were in Milwaukee and Madison, I just said F-it and ate whatever.  Malts, cookies, chocolate.  Even when we got home, I was eating crap.  Not as much, but I was still eating it.  I feel like this challenge will give me a good excuse to say no when we are out with friends etc.  Cutting out alcohol will be hard.

I had a dream that I cheated on Steve last night. I have no idea who it was or whatever, but it felt horrible. I woke myself up because it was so bad. 

January 7, 2015

I’m tired today.  I’ve been chilling this afternoon and didn’t work out too hard at the gym today.  I think that is probably for the best.  It feels like anytime I sit down the boys need something.  So much for two uninterrupted hours of writing time today.  That’s okay.  Like I said, I am wiped today. 


February 18, 2015

Instead of giving something up for lent, I am going to commit to doing something for 40 days.  I’m not catholic so I don’t think it’ll cause too much of a ruckus.  I am going to commit to writing every day for 40 days and we will see where that goes. 

Lately I have been wanting to write about my negative relationship with food and bulimia.  I have a lot to say about it, but I keep stopping myself. 

Okay, I am getting old.  I just had to increase the font so I could see better.  I’ll be 39 on Saturday so that’s exciting.

***This post is part of blog series called Revealing My Road to Recovered. For more information about the series please click here: Revealing My Road to Recovered


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