Seminary Ruminations

A Bit of a Shift

Hello Friends, 


It has been quite some time since I last posted on the blog. Over the past year I began uncovering and discerning a deep-rooted call to ministry in the United Methodist Church. 

Today, I am the Director of Social Justice at Manchester United Methodist Church where I get to work with passionate people to increase awareness about injustices in our world; offer education about the circumstances leading to injustices; and provide opportunities to engage in actions that help remedy the root causes of injustice. 


I just started my second semester at Garrett Theological Seminary at Northwestern. One of the classes I’m taking is, Introduction to the Hebrew Bible. As part of the asynchronous class, each student must set up a blog and a Twitter account to connect with classmates and share our thoughts and work.  

So for the next few months my blog posts will center on the Hebrew Bible as I navigate through this course. I’d love for you to join me as I learn and grow through studying the Hebrew Bible. I also understand if you’d like to unsubscribe. 

Thank you for supporting me as I navigated through my road to Recovered and beyond. Your compassion and encouragement were a catalyst that helped me keep going when things felt impossible. I’m still doing the work of recovery. It just looks a bit different. My call to ministry is grounded in helping people heal their relationship with their body and food. How we feel in and about our body impacts how we engage with the divine and world around us. 

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